Just a quick announcement, I'm a quarter-finalist in the 2019 Scriptapalooza Screenplay Competition with 'The Tiger of Light', basically an adaptation of The Legends of Arria, Books 1-4, or what used to be The Knights of Arria when it was just one book.
Hopefully I might be able to republish all of those books on my own once more if things work out. Fingers crossed.
Check out my other books, including The Fay Island, the third and possibly last (?) Jobe & Paracleus book, unless I could squeeze out a fourth and fifth book farther down the line. Depends on what happens with the other series.
I've also got Survivors of Corrica, the Corrica prequel that takes place centuries before the main series. That might develop into a series as well with the ancient Arria chronicles, legends, and Knights, not to mention all of the creatures and monsters that could be developed there.
I've also got ideas for the Rulers of Wander-land prequel. I need to work on that. There's another novel I'm almost finished writing, but I'm not sure if I should publish it under my name or not.
It might be a pseudonym. It's got guys, if you know what I mean, and nothing major, but not sure if I should use my name. Might be better with a different name if my name's not great for getting an audience.
Also I started a Tarn & Beck story with Sherlock Holmes theme. It's different from my other Tarn & Beck stories. Alternating first person perspectives, for one, and it's two stories for one. I need to finish that up as well. The novel distracted me.
So, quick question for anyone who comments: should I publish novel under my name or pseudonym? Last call.