Okay, it's been almost a year since I last posted, and I'm publishing the sixth volume of my Tarn and Beck series. Tarn & Beck: Into the Tunnels pretty much picks up right where The Werewolf and the Chimera left off, and it officially ties in one of the characters from my Legends of Arria/Lion of Arria series, Sir Pacaben.
I'd been half hoping to get into crossing over my stories, and I'd done it before, albeit a bit more loosely with Tashiana from Jobe & Paracleus showing up in The Professor & The Satyr, and Cedric from Tarn & Beck showing up in Jobe & Paracleus, too. But I'm building things up here, as you may have noticed, getting Sir Pacaben involved with Tarn & Beck and their gang, and now...well, I'm looking forward to even bigger crossovers down the road with them.
Not too many spoilers, I suppose. I've been terrible about spoilers. I spoiled Under the Dome for my sister, when my dad was watching series 3 and she was starting season one, and I'd read some funny recaps about it on io9. From everything I gathered, it wasn't a good series.
Okay then, loosening things up a little. I'm not very good at social media and blogging, if you've noticed with my scant, few and far between posts. I've been thinking about that lately. If I was more inclined, maybe I would start over and try to make an effort in that department. Maybe a broader blog or web page, for all of my books or for a more popular series of mine.
I'm fond of The Smiling Stallion Inn, I've used that moniker for a while now, but it's not picking up steam or anything like that. And very rarely do I check up on some of these sites or update them to see if there's any traffic flow.
I like to write, as you may have noticed with how much I've published in recent months, and I like to find a way to get it out there. So I focus on that, and social media takes a backslide. Whee, there goes a year without posting.
So here I am, la-dee-da, contemplating what I should do with this blog/website or not. I could try to update or revamp it. I could consider getting a new, centralized website that I might be able to update or revamp as often as I can, showcasing books and such. I need to discuss a broader range of topics, too. Like writing, books, pop culture, influences, things of that nature.
I'm still going to write and publish, although looking at what's going on there, it's still not quite on course. I need to bump it up more and promote, or else find another method.
Wish me luck, and let's hope it's not another year before I post again. Whee!