Hello, Courtney Bowen here. Reposting a former notice so that it might show up on Author Central.
Well, I'm back again, mostly to post a link to a new Kindle Scout campaign for 'The Tiger Enchantment: The Legends of Arria: Volume 5'!
The Tiger Enchantment: The Legends of Arria, Volume 5 on Kindle Scout
Yay! After all this time, I finally finished the book. It's around 311 pages long, depending. I had to move some of the material around to a later volume, which probably won't see the light of day for a while. Here's a preview of the cover (I took my name off here, just because):

I have also decided that, for a limited time, most of my books will be Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited, which means that currently, ebook editions of my books will only be available on Amazon. I'm just doing a trial run. I might eventually return to other ebook retailers, but it will be different. I apologize for that.
So Kindle Scout campaign is ongoing until January 2nd 2016 and here's a plot synopsis:
What comes after the final battle?
After the final battle against Doomba, Basha, his friends, and family try to rally their forces to face Goga, who has taken their country’s capital. Yet when a setback devastates them, can they recover their former strength? Especially when two powerful sorceresses pit themselves against them?
And if you want to check out the first 15 pages of my new, upcoming novel in The Legends of Arria series, click the Kindle Scout link! And maybe nominate it for publication by Kindle Press if you enjoyed it? I thank you very much.
Sincerely, Courtney Bowen