Hello, my name is Courtney, author of the upcoming The Smiling Stallion Inn, first volume of Legends of Arria. While I was fiddling around with some work a couple of weeks ago, and waiting for an edit of my book, I decided to publish some stuff that I happened to have lying around.
First off, a short story that I had written a couple of years ago as an experiment to see whether or not I could write a science fiction short story: The Sable Valley, which is available exclusively on Kindle for a limited time. (I do intend to create some other versions using Smashwords)
The Sable Valley
And then I decided to do a Kindle version of my poetry book, 'A Song of My Heart', which has been available on PDF and book format, but I decided that now was the time to create a Kindle version of it. (Perhaps I might do a Smashwords version of this, not sure.)
A Song of My Heart
And the 2002 version of the first four Legends of Arria books, The Knights of Arria.
The 2002 Knights of Arria
Why Kindle? Well, I'm used to self-publishing through Kindle now, I might use some other self-publishers like Nook and Smashwords in the future, but for now, it's easier. And beside the Kindle version of A Song of My Heart, the other two are best suited to a digital format, as they are not fully fledged books, with The 2002 Knights of Arria as more of an extra or a bonus, exploring the origins of some of my plot ideas.
I suppose that's all for now.